Dr. Jordan Henderson
乔丹 汉德胜博士-
As the American Management Science Association Senior Software Systems Architect, has been involved in various American companies' IT project management, creation, design, implementation, testing, delivery and maintenance of all phases of the product.Professional background is very extensive, including real-time systems, language, protocol design, parallel systems, system performance optimization, operating system kernel, database design, database performance, the database kernel and security, workshop systems and business systems. Experience can be traced back to PDP-8E, VAX, IBM-3090 and based on Unix / Linux systems, experienced more than 30 years of computer field.
Working Experience:
American and Jordan tech technology consulting company CEO / General Counsel ETA PHI Systems / GeoFocus limited liability company's technical adviser Navistar International Truck and EngineSenior software chief architect UniSQL company/Westinghouse Nuclear Services / KennelMetal Senior Software Engineer vice president Kinkisharyo International LLC and software engineering technical advisor ,chief architectEducational Background:
Doctor/Master of Computer Science,University of Pittsburgh Washington Jefferson University undergraduate computer作为美国管理科学协会高级软件系统架构设计师,曾参与美国各类公司IT项目管理,创建,设计,实现,测试,交付和维护产品的所有阶段。专业背景非常广泛,包括实时系统,语言,协议设计,并行系统,系统性能优化,操作系统内核,数据库设计,数据库性能,数据库内核及安全,车间系统和业务系统。经验可以追溯到PDP-8E,VAX,IBM-3090和基于Unix/Linux系统中,有超过30年计算机领域的经验。
美国乔丹科技技术咨询公司CEO/总顾问; 埃塔PHI系统公司/GeoFocus有限责任公司技术顾问; 纳威司达国际卡车和EngineSenior软件系统首席架构师; UniSQL公司/西屋核服务/KennelMetal公司高级软件工程师; Kinkisharyo国际有限责任公司副总裁和软件工程技术顾问,总架构师。教育背景:
Mike Wielonski
迈克 威龙斯基-
Experienced IT professionals engaged in various databases, including technological innovation and innovative Oracle alterations in the class, and have experience across a variety of industries, including financial services, telecommunications, automotive, medical, and all kinds of large companies to provide IT development and management, and enterprise architecture skills, and focus on high quality and innovative solutions, efforts by optimizing existing IT technologies and evaluate innovative ways to deliver exceptional value.
Working Experience:
WellPointDatabase consultant;MedPlus Inc OracleDBA Majordomo ;Toyota Boshoku America Database Management Technology;Fidelity Investment Oracle DBA Database ManagementEducational Background:
MSc Bowling Green State University / Master of Computer Science经验丰富的IT专业人士,从事包括甲骨文在内的各种数据库技术革新改建和创新,具备跨越多种行业经验,包括金融,电信,汽车,医疗,与各类大型公司提供IT开发管理和企业架构的技能,并专注于高品质和创新的解决方案,努力通过优化现有的IT技术和评估创新的方式,以提供卓越的价值。
Jack Hu
With international business management and rich IT background, learn about the latest international network of industrial technology and products to lead the IT team, especially on an international network of research and applications.
Working Experience:
GM Automotive Co., Ltd. Software Development Director, United States. Responsible for the company's software product development and research, including network, database creation and computer automation control products. Collaboration with IBM outsourcing team, the management team resources and R & D programs. Citibank Web development technical director. Citibank is responsible for the overall design of the network service http://www.citi.com global code and regulatory review DFID's Citi network design and application specific products, with overall responsibility for network security and big data processing, especially in prevent organization's network hacker attacks, very experienced.Educational Background:
Master of Mechanical Engineering, Wright State University, USA / Master of Computer Science; Master of Business Administration MBA; Shanghai Jiaotong University undergraduate team of experts拥有国际化企业管理及丰富的IT背景,了解最新国际网络产业技术及产品走向,引领IT团队,特别是对国际化网络的研发和应用。
美国通用汽车有限公司软件开发总监。负责公司的软件产品开发和研制。包括网络,数据库建立以及电脑自动化控制产品。与外包的IBM团队合作,管理团队资源和研发计划。 美国花旗银行网络开发技术总监。负责花旗银行网络业务http://www.citi.com 全球化代码的总体设计,并监管审核花旗网络国际开发部的产品具体设计和应用,全面负责网络安全及大数据处理,尤其是在防范有组织的网络黑客攻击方面,经验非常丰富。教育背景: